[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, NATURAL RESOURCES: "UXO Clearance at Mākua Military Reservation [HI] Ensures Environmental and Public Safety"

Lenny Siegel LSiegel at cpeo.org
Wed Feb 26 12:47:31 PST 2025

UXO Clearance at Mākua Military Reservation Ensures Environmental and Public Safety

By U.S. Army Garrison Public Affairs
February 26, 2025

WAIANAE, Hawaii (Mākua Military Reservation) –– As part of their routine missions U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii Natural Resource team successfully executed an unexploded ordnance (UXO) clearance operation at Mākua Military Reservation (MMR) today, serving to provide safe access for environmental conservation teams while complying with federal environmental management regulations.

The operation, a coordinated effort between USAG Hawaii’s Environmental Division Natural Resources Program (ANPR), the 8th Theater Sustainment Command’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team, and the 25th Combat Aviation Brigade (25CAB), was conducted under the larger framework of the Integrated Wildland Fire Management Plan to minimize risks to endangered species (plants and animals), as well to prevent potential wildfires.

UXO clearance is an essential but hazardous process, particularly in former impact areas like Mākua Military Reservation, which has been used for military training for more than 50 years. The removal of ordnance allows ANPR teams to safely access natural resource areas and conduct conservation work, including the protection of native and endangered species.


For the entire release, see


Lenny Siegel
Executive Director
Center for Public Environmental Oversight
A project of the Pacific Studies Center
LSiegel at cpeo.org
P.O. Box 998, Mountain View, CA 94042
Voice/Fax: 650-961-8918
Author: DISTURBING THE WAR: The Inside Story of the Movement to Get Stanford University out of Southeast Asia - 1965–1975 (See http://a3mreunion.org)

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